Friday, November 27, 2015

The Handbook for Happiness

The Handbook for Happiness --
52 Simple Steps to the
Happiest Life Possible

By Leo Babauta, author of Zen Habits: Handbook For Life*

This is something I’ve been wanting to write for some time — a Handbook for Life.

Now, is there any handbook that can be a guide to every single person? Of course not. This is just a list of tips that I think will help many people in life — some of them common-sense tips that we often forget about. Consider this guide a reminder.

How to use this handbook
This handbook is not meant to be a step-by-step guide, nor should you adopt all the tips below. Certainly not all at once. That would be overwhelming. Here are a couple tips for adopting the tips:
  • Pick and choose the tips that will be most useful to you. There are 52 tips here — not every single one will be useful to every person. I hope you’ll find 10 that are useful, or that are reminders of something you’ve been wanting to do.

  • Don’t do them all at once. Choose one tip to do first, and then do them one at a time. Focus on one first, and then the next. It’s too hard to try to adopt a bunch of changes at once.

  • Experiment. Try out a tip, and if it doesn’t work, try another. Life is an experiment, after all.

  • None are guaranteed. But many are very likely to bring happiness.

  • Also, these are not in any order. Some of the most important are buried below.

52 Tips for Happiness and Productivity
Try rising early.
It’s not for everyone, I’ll admit. It may not be for you. But I’ve found it to be an amazing change in my life. It has made the start of my days much more positive, and I now have time for writing, exercise, and silent contemplation.

Do less.
This is both a happiness and productivity tip. Doing less will make you happier, because your life won’t be so hectic and filled with stress. You will have time for things that give you pleasure, for the loved ones in your life, for life itself. It’s also a productivity tip: if you focus on the essential tasks, the big ones, the ones that will give you the most return for your time, and eliminate the rest, you will actually be more productive. You’ll get fewer tasks done, but you will be more effective.

Slow down.
Many new readers to this site have read my productivity articles and think that I’m all about being hyper-productive. I’m not. Long-time readers know that I am about a simpler way of life. Unfortunately, in my free-lance blogging, other websites usually ask me to write about productivity, so the preponderance of my productivity writing has given the impression, I think, that I think people should be churning out work at an amazing rate, to the exclusion of all else. Actually, I feel that life is much more enjoyable if you slow down. By doing less, you can actually get more done, even if you work more slowly. And when you’re not working, you should definitely try switching to slow mode. Drive slower (it is so much more relaxing), walk slower, eat slower.

Practice patience.
I’ve talked about how I’m trying to develop patience in my parenting article, How to Become a Patient Parent <> , but these tips really apply to everyone. If you easily lose your temper, you can become more patient with these tips. Once you’ve developed this skill (and it’s a skill, like everything else, not an unchangeable inborn trait), your life will become much saner and you will be much happier.

Practice compassion.
This may be the most important tip of all, in my opinion. If you were to choose any of these, I would choose this one. The first part of compassion is empathy — and this ability to understand how others feel can be developed through practice. Start by imagining the suffering of a loved one. Understand their pain, the emotions they go through, and why they would react the way they would. By doing this exercise a number of times, you are developing a skill that can be applied to others — for every person you see, try to understand what they are going through. Try to learn and understand more about their background, and why they react the way they do. Once you’ve developed this invaluable skill, learn the other half of compassion — acting on your understanding, and helping others, alleviating their suffering, acting with kindness. This one thing can bring true happiness to your life, and the lives of those around you.

Find your passion.
Another indispensable tip. This might be the second on my list of priorities. Find something you love to do, and your life will become immensely improved. You will love your work, the thing that you spend 40 hours (or more) a week doing. You will become more productive, procrastinate less, be less stressed. You will produce something you are proud of, and happy about. Read this article for some practical tips.

Lose weight.

This only applies, of course, if you are overweight. But losing your extra fat (and when I say lose weight, I mean lose fat), decreases your health risks (obviously), makes you look better, and in general is very likely to increase your happiness about yourself. I actually recommend that you learn to be comfortable and happy with how you look now, and not feel negative about yourself even if you are overweight. However, I’ve found that losing weight (at least for me) is a great way to feel better about your body. Do not make this an unhealthy obsession, however — lose weight gradually, and enjoy the process. See the next two tips for the best methods for doing this.

Make this a daily habit. Exercise not only helps you lose weight, but for me, it’s made me feel so much better. I actually enjoy exercise now. It’s a time of contemplation for me, and I feel so much better about myself afterwards.

Eat healthy.
I don’t recommend dieting. It’s too restrictive and you usually fall off it at some point. I do recommend changes to your diet, however — ones you make gradually, and that can be sustained for life. It not only helps lose weight, but really, once you start eating healthier, it is actually much more enjoyable.

OK, you might be like me — not into New-Age stuff. But meditation can actually be a very simple method for relaxing, for bringing calm, for returning yourself to sanity, for contemplation. [Here's your free mantra...] 

Get organized.
This one’s not necessary. You could go through life wonderfully messy, searching for stuff, enjoying the search. But I’ve tried disorganized, and I’ve tried organized. The second is much more enjoyable to me.

Think positive.
Another one of the most important tips on this list, thinking positive — as cliche as it might sound — is one of the single best changes you can make in your life that will lead to so many more positive tips. Learning to think positive was the skill that turned my life around. It makes everything else on this list possible.

Simplify your finances.
Cut down on the number of accounts you have, cut down on your credit cards, spend less, reduce your bills. Make your finances automagical. Simplifying your finances greatly reduces your stress.

Simplify your life.
Another of my top tips. I’ve greatly simplified my life, in many ways, and I can say that having less stuff in my life, and less to do, has greatly increased my enjoyment of life. De-clutter, simplify your commitments, simplify your work space, simplify your wardrobe, simplify your rooms.

Accept what you have.
The problem with many of us is that we always think that we’ll be happy when we reach a certain destination — when we get a certain job, or retire, or get our dream house. Unfortunately, it takes awhile before you get there, and when you get there, you might have a new destination in mind. Instead, try being happy with where you are, with who you are, and what you have. To do that, instead of comparing what you have with other people, or with what you want, compare yourself those who have less, with those who are going through tragedy, with those who are struggling. You will see that you actually are extremely blessed. And this can lead to more happiness with your current situation.

Envision your ultimate life.
What would your ultimate life be like? Where would you live, what would you do, what would you do with your days? Come up with a clear picture of this, and write it down. Now, one step at a time, make it come true. Some ways of doing that follow.

Set long-term goals.
Your vision of your ultimate life will help you come up with long-term goals. Of those goals, pick one to accomplish within the next year, and really focus on that. Now, pick one medium-term goal to achieve in the next few months that will get you further toward your longer-term goal. Now decide what you can do this week, and today, to get you to your medium-term goal. Just choose one thing at a time, focus on it, make it happen, and then choose the next thing to focus on.

Review goals.
Setting goals is important, but the key to making them a reality is actually reviewing them (at least monthly, but weekly is better) and taking action steps to make them come true. Again, focus on one at a time, and really focus on them.

Life mission.
Related to envisioning your ultimate life, but different — it’s important that you think about how you would like to be remembered when you die — so you can start living the life that leads to that now. Live with purpose in life, and wake up every day with that purpose in mind.

Plan your big tasks for week and day.
Give purpose to your day by determining the three most important things you can do with your day, and making those a priority. Do the same thing with your week to increase your productivity: pick out the big tasks you’d like to accomplish this week, and schedule those first.

Maintain focus.
One important key to achieving your goals is to maintain focus on them. To do this, again, it’s important that you select one goal at a time. This will prevent your focus from spreading too thin. It’s also important that you give yourself constant reminders of your goal, so you don’t lose that focus. Put up a poster of your current goal, or print it out and put it out somewhere visible, and send yourself emailed reminders. However you do it, find a way to maintain a laser-sharp focus, and the goal will come true.

Enjoy the journey.
Goals are important, but not at the expense of happiness now. It’s important to maintain a balance between going where you want to go, and being happy as you go there. It’s easy to forget that, so be sure to remind yourself of this little, but important, tip as you make your journey.

Create a morning and evening routine.
These are two great ways to add structure to your day, make sure you review your goals and log your progress, and get your day off to a great start. An evening routine, for example, could be a great way not only to wind down from a long day and review how your day went, but to prepare yourself for your next day so the morning isn’t so hectic. Your morning routine is great way to greet the day, to get some exercise or meditation or quiet contemplation, or to get some writing or other work done.

Develop intimate relationships.

It’s great to have a special someone, of course, but intimate relationships could be found with anyone around you. If you have a significant other, be sure to spend time each day and each week with that person, to work on your relationship and communicate and continue to bond. But if you don’t, there’s no need to despair (if in fact you are) … intimate relationships can be developed with friends, other family members, kids, roommates, classmate, co-workers. Every single person we meet is a fellow human being, with the same desires for happiness, for food and shelter, for an intimate connection. Find that common thread, be open and sincere, find out more about each other, understand each other, and give love. This can be one of the most important things you do.

Eliminate debt.
Financially, this is a huge way to relieve stress and make you feel much more secure. I suggest that you get rid of your credit cards (if you have a problem with credit card debt or impulse spending) and create a snowball plan for yourself. It may take a couple of years, but you can get out of debt.

Enjoy the simple pleasures.
You can find these everywhere. Food (I love berries!), sunsets, sand between your toes, fresh-cut grass, playing with your child, a good book and a warm bed, dancing in the rain, your favorite music. You could probably make a list of 20 simple pleasures right now, things you enjoy that you could find every day. Sprinkle those little pleasures throughout your day. It makes the journey much more enjoyable.

Empty your inbox and clear your desk.
This might take a little while to do at first, but once you’ve emptied your inbox and cleared off your desk, it doesn’t take long to keep them clear from then on. It’s a simple habit that’s vastly rewarding. I get an inordinate amount of pleasure from having a clean desk. I recommend you give it a try.

Build an emergency fund.
This is standard-issue financial advice, I know … and yet it is extremely important. I cannot stress how important it is to have at least a tiny emergency fund in the bank. You often hear that you should have six months saved up. Don’t be intimidated by that. Start out with just a hundred dollars if you can. Cut back on a few things. Then build it up, every payday. Once you have, let’s say, $1,000, it will make a huge difference in your life. It’s not much, and you should still add to it every paycheck, but at least now you’re not living paycheck-to-paycheck, and if an unexpected emergency comes up you can pay for it, rather than not paying other bills and falling behind. It’s a simple step, but it will mean a lot.

Keep a journal.
This is not one of the more important tips, but I can attest that it’s rewarding. I, for one, have a bad long-term memory, and by writing things down, I can look back and remember what happened a month ago. I just started this a couple months ago, actually, but it’s been awesome. I started an online journal, something I call the one-sentence journal, and my goal is to just write one sentence a day. Sometimes I write two or three, but the idea is the same — just get one or two things down that happened that day, so I can always look back on it later.

Use the power of others.
Achieving your goals can be difficult, but using the power of others makes it much more likely to happen. For example, put positive public pressure on yourself by announcing your goal on your blog. Or join an online forum, or a group in your neighborhood, that you can count on for support. I have a mailing list for the May Challenge on Zen Habits, for example, and our group has helped me stick to my goal of daily exercise even when I started to falter — and the rest of the group can tell you they’ve experienced similar success because of the positive power of the group.

Read, and read to your kids.
I read all the time — it’s one of my favorite things to do in the world. I love to curl up with a good novel (or even a trashy one) and I can waste away an afternoon with a book. And I’m passing on my love of reading to my kids, by reading to them every day. I love spending time with them this way, and we all enjoy the stories we share together through books.

Limit your information intake.
In our lives today, we get a tremendous amount of information through email, blog feeds, reading websites, paperwork, memos, newspapers, magazines, television, DVDs, radio, mobile phones and Blackberries. Not only can this be overwhelming, but it can be distracting and can fill up your life until you have no time for more important things. Go on a media fast to get control over your information intake, and to simplify your life.

Create simple systems.
Once you’ve simplified your life, the way to keep it simple is by creating systems for everything you do regularly. Create an efficient system for laundry, mail and paperwork, errands, your workflow. Anything, really.

Take time to decompress after stress.
There will inevitably be times in your life when you go through high stress. Perhaps several times a week. To maintain your sanity, you need to find ways to decompress.

Be present.
Time can go by extremely quickly. Before you know it, your life has passed you by. Your kids are grown and your youth is gone. Don’t let your life slip by — enjoy it while it’s here. Instead of dwelling in the past or thinking about the future, practice being in the here and now.

Develop equanimity.
Keep your sanity through all the challenges that life throws at you. Rude drivers, irritating co-workers, mean commenters on your blog, inconsiderate family members. This takes a bit of practice, but you can let these things slide off you like you’re Teflon.

Spend time with family and loved ones.
One of the things that can lead to the greatest happiness, make this a priority every week, every day. Clear off as much time as possible to spend with those you love, and truly enjoy those times. Be present as you do it — don’t think about work or your blog or what you need to do.

Pick yourself up when you’re down.
There will always be times in our lives when we get a little down, even depressed. Take action to get yourself out of your slump.

Don’t compare yourself to others.
This is hard to do, but it can be a great way to accept who you are and what you have. Whenever you find yourself comparing yourself to a co-worker, a friend, or someone famous (those models on magazines with amazing abs), stop. And realize that you are different, with different strengths. Take a minute to appreciate all the good things about yourself, and to be grateful for all the blessings in your life.

Focus on benefits, not difficulties.
If you find yourself struggling to do something, or procrastinating, stop thinking about how hard something is, or why you don’t want to do it. Focus instead on what benefits it will have for you, what opportunities it will create — the good things about it. By changing the way you see things, you can change how you feel about them and make it easier to get things done.

Be romantic.
If you have that special someone, find little ways to be romantic. It can do wonders to keep your relationship alive and fresh. It doesn’t take tons of money, either.

Lose arguments.
I know someone who just celebrated his 50th anniversary, and I asked him for his secret to a long and happy marriage. He told me, that if I ever get into an argument with my wife, to just shut up. What he meant, I think, is that I shouldn’t try to be right in every argument. I think this is a reminder many of us need, not just the married ones. But instead of just giving up the argument, instead of trying to be right, instead seek to understand. Really try to understand the other person’s position, to see it from their point of view. This little tip can lead to much happiness.

Get into the flow.
This is both a happiness and productivity tip. Flow is the term for the state we enter when we are completely focused on the work or task before us. We are so immersed in our task that we lose track of time. Having work and leisure that gets you in this state of flow will almost undoubtedly lead to happiness. People find greatest enjoyment not when they’re passively mindless, but when they’re absorbed in a mindful challenge. Get into that flow by first doing something you are passionate about, and second by eliminating all distractions and really focusing on the task before you.

I don’t believe in multi-tasking, at least not on a day-to-day basis. Instead, focus on one task at a time. This leads to greater productivity and less stress. You can’t go wrong with that kind of combination.

Be frugal.

This is a habit, rather than a goal. It is a way of living, a different mindset, and the best way to live within your means. It doesn’t mean being cheap or forsaking pleasure, but it does mean finding less expensive ways to do things, learning to live with less (and be happier in the process), and controlling impulse spending.

Start small and slow.
Regular Zen Habits readers know that I advocate starting slow with any goal or habit change, and starting with a small goal rather than a big one. Why small? Because it’s something you are sure to achieve — and once you do achieve it, you can use that success to push you to further success. It’s a simple technique, but it really works. Start slow when you start exercise, or other similar activities — there’s no need to rush it in the beginning, to overdo it. You have the rest of your life!

Learn to deal with detractors.
We all face detractors in our lives. They are the naysayers who, even if they are well-intentioned, will make us feel unworthy, or that you cannot achieve a goal. They will tease or be negative. In order to achieve your goals, you need to learn how to deal with these detractors and overcome this common obstacle.

Go outdoors.
These days, too many of us spend so much of our time indoors, especially if our jobs and our ways of having fun are all online. Our kids are often just as bad or worse, with so many ways to watch TV, surf the internet or play video games. Get them and yourself outdoors, appreciate nature, the beauty of the world around us, and the fun of physical activity.

Retire early.
This isn’t a sure way to become happy — you can retire and be bored out of your mind and unhappy — but it’s surely a cool goal. And if you do something meaningful with your life, such as volunteer and help others, it can be a way to be really happy. It’s not an easy goal, either, but you can retire early by cutting back on your living expenses, increasing your income, and investing the difference. The more you can do of all three, the fast you’ll retire. And that’s a truly liberating idea.

Savor the little things.
Sure, the big things can bring big pleasure, but there are so many more little things in our lives. Savor them when they come up. It’s a way of practicing being present — stop and notice what you’re doing right now, what’s around you. And take time to enjoy it.

Be lazy.
There’s a time to be productive, and there’s a time to be plain ol’ lazy. I like the latter, and do it every chance I get. Does that make me a lazy person? Probably not, but even if it does, I don’t care. It makes me happy, and the kids love being lazy with me.

Help others.
While finding pleasure in life is one way to be happy, doing something that is more than you, that helps others to be happy or to suffer less, is even more rewarding. I suggest you find a good cause or two and volunteer some of your time. You don’t have to commit to big chunks of your life, but just volunteer for a couple of hours. All of us can find a couple of hours in a week or a month. If you do this, you will find out how tremendously happy this will make you. You might even become addicted.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Body's Innate Healing Power - Stem Cells

IV. What are adult stem cells?

"An adult stem cell is thought to be an undifferentiated cell, found among differentiated cells in a tissue or organ. The adult stem cell can renew itself and can differentiate to yield some or all of the major specialized cell types of the tissue or organ. The primary roles of adult stem cells in a living organism are to maintain and repair the tissue in which they are found. Scientists also use the term somatic stem cell instead of adult stem cell, where somatic refers to cells of the body (not the germ cells, sperm or eggs). Unlike embryonic stem cells, which are defined by their origin...the origin of adult stem cells in some mature tissues is still under investigation.

Research on adult stem cells has generated a great deal of excitement. Scientists have found adult stem cells in many more tissues than they once thought possible.... Scientists now have evidence that stem cells exist in the brain and the heart, two locations where adult stem cells were not at first expected to reside....

The history of research on adult stem cells began more than 60 years ago. In the 1950s, researchers discovered that the bone marrow contains at least two kinds of stem cells. One population, called hematopoietic stem cells, forms all the types of blood cells in the body. A second population, called bone marrow stromal stem cells (also called mesenchymal stem cells, or skeletal stem cells by some), were discovered a few years later. These non-hematopoietic stem cells make up a small proportion of the stromal cell population in the bone marrow and can generate bone, cartilage, and fat cells that support the formation of blood and fibrous connective tissue.

In the 1960s, scientists who were studying rats discovered two regions of the brain that contained dividing cells that ultimately become nerve cells. Despite these reports, most scientists believed that the adult brain could not generate new nerve cells. It was not until the 1990s that scientists agreed that the adult brain does contain stem cells that are able to generate the brain's three major cell types—astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, which are non-neuronal cells, and neurons, or nerve cells.

A. Where are adult stem cells found, and what do they normally do?

Adult stem cells have been identified in many organs and tissues, including brain, bone marrow, peripheral blood, blood vessels, skeletal muscle, skin, teeth, heart, gut, liver, ovarian epithelium, and testis. They are thought to reside in a specific area of each tissue (called a "stem cell niche"). In many tissues, current evidence suggests that some types of stem cells are pericytes, cells that compose the outermost layer of small blood vessels. Stem cells may remain quiescent (non-dividing) for long periods of time until they are activated by a normal need for more cells to maintain tissues, or by disease or tissue injury...."

What activated the stem cells?
Could imagery, hypnosis and similar methods utilize these stem cells for directed healing by thought?

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Healing Your Past – Essential Tools - Arian A. Sarris, LMFT

From Healing Your Past – Essential Tools
Arian A. Sarris, LMFT

Three Essential Tools for Doing Healing work: Using the Present Time Wand / Cleaning Your Space / Retrieving Your Energy

Using The Present Time Wand

This technique requires nothing more than your imagination. You may or may not notice any body reaction as you do the technique, but there will be shifts in your energy. If you feel any kind of jolt, that’s your bodies adjusting and realigning to the newly accessible energies. I consider this exercise simply one of the most effective tools in your spiritual and psychic tool kit. I use it ALL THE TIME. Using the present time wand daily and before every healing session helps you process much more easily.

Ask your Higher Self to give you a present time wand. It may be any shape and form you can imagine. Pick it up and hold it. Imagine your fingers curved around it. This is your present time wand. (If you want to really hold a wand, you can buy or make one.)
Tap your aura seven times to clean it thoroughly. Move your hand slowly outward with each tap, until your arm is at the edge of your aura (about 18 inches).
Tap the top of your head, your forehead, your throat, your heart, your stomach, your navel, three inches below your navel, your pubis (these are your chakras).
Tap your feet and hands (which have their own chakras and help with the movement of energy through your body).
You have now brought all of you into present time.
Anything that is not in present time will drop off because it cannot remain at the present time vibration. Let that energy fall to the earth to be recycled.

Cleaning Your Space

Your aura is a flexible force field (AKA "personal space") about eighteen inches around your body. It defines your space: I belong here, and everybody else belongs out there. It does not isolate you from other people, since you can choose to let special friends inside–for visits. But this space belongs to only you. You have to define it–which means setting up boundaries between yourself and the world. That is not only a protection for you, but also a reassurance that you have a presence.
Focus your attention on your aura–your invisible energy shield. Ask that it contract to eighteen inches around you and cover you from feet to head.
Move your hands over the aura, as if you are smoothing it over your head to underneath your feet. Be aware of what it’s like being in your very own space.
Now it’s time to clean any alien energies from your space. Imagine holding a large golden comb with 18-inch teeth. It is wider than your body, so you can hold both ends with your hands. Use it to comb out your aura, like you’re combing your hair, but do it from head to toe. Physically run your hands up and down your body in a combing motion, holding the energy comb in your hand. Do the front, then the back, and then the sides.
Let the combed-out energies fall onto the earth, where they can be absorbed. You may feel some strange sensations in your body as you do this exercise, or soon afterward. After all, just having your own energy in your space is quite unusual.
Imagine a ray of sunlight pouring through your head and into your body, filling you up to the edges of your aura. This gold energy defines the limits of your space and raises your vibration so that no one with a lower vibration can invade you easily (see Chapter 5), or push you out of your space–at least for the moment–without your permission.

Retrieving Your Energy – Energy Whistle

Since alien energy gets stuck in your aura from both recent and long- past interactions, it’s only reasonable to assume that some of your energy has been left in other places, as well–and indeed it has, in every place you have lived, in your childhood, with family members, at your jobs, with friend and enemies–and all of it is locked in the past. This next technique reclaims your essence–maybe small amounts at first, but more and more as you do the exercise.
Close your eyes and imagine you holding an energy whistle, like an ultra-high-pitched dog whistle. Blow it to call your own energy home (and no one else’s).
Above your head is a bowl filled with golden liquid. This is energy soap. After a few moments, the pieces of your energy will start flowing back into this bowl, to be cleansed of anyone else’s cooties. They may appear or feel like snowflakes, blobs, a river of energy or light, or any other form you might imagine.
Give yourself about five minutes to allow your energy to come back. Then dump the bowl over your head so the energy pours into you. As your body and aura start absorbing your returning essence, you may even begin to feel like you have more shape and presence.
Every time you do this, you might suddenly recall memories or people from years ago. That’s where your energy was trapped.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

A Website about Self Healing

 Here are some excerpts from:

I began noticing my unique gifts and talents because I hadn’t yet honored them within myself. I noticed my good heart and loving nature. I quieted my critical inner voice and nurtured my complimentary voice.
When I began feeling special about myself, I naturally noticed that the people in my life were also very special. Eventually, I delighted in the special nature of every person I met. (Now you know why I love to do readings. I get to see and speak to the powerfully special and unique gifts in everyone.)
As my ego was honored and given permission to rest, my own healing sounds penetrated to the very core of me and eventually the MS symptoms were simply gone.

If you’re tried a lot of things to heal and you’re not seeing the progress you want, then there is a reason that you are stuck. We get stuck in our healing process because our fears and doubts are stronger than our intentions.
Because these fears and doubts are as uncomfortable as the root behind our illnesses, we suppress them. The fears take charge and we are stuck. Sometimes our own intelligence gets in our way, because we have learned that the way to be successful is to figure things out.
However, I have discovered that at the root of illnesses there are buried emotions, beliefs and unmet needs. And it can be a tangled knot to figure out for yourself what needs attention.
But you can lovingly and gently untangle the knot so that you can experience real and lasting healing…
…if you are willing to slow down, release the sense of panic, soothe the emotions, discover your unmet needs and meet them in new ways, and open to your gifts with loving compassion.

You can literally heal yourself right into a state of greater awakening and happiness using these 7 Steps:

7 Steps to Healing Anything

step-circle-bullet-1Observe your stories. We often live in a tangled in web of unmet needs, beliefs, karma, and emotions that are often the underlying cause of our illness or at least making it difficult to heal. By learning how to observe ourselves and release the tension of our inner-world knot, we are able untangle the web so that we can heal.
step-circle-bullet-2 Be in nature. Nature has healing properties, such as negative ions that aid the healing process. Even becoming more connected to the circadian, or natural rhythms of the days and seasons can help us heal. Did you know there is even a disease called Circadian Rhythm Disease that occurs when we are disconnected? Did you know the symptoms of this disease look like a lot of diseases? Learning how to connect with nature, not just notice it, can actually help you heal.
step-circle-bullet-3Unleash your creativity. Did you know that cutting yourself off from your creativity can contribute to making you ill and that reconnecting to it can help you become well? Many creative people are also deeply empathic. If you have cut off your empathy and creativity in an attempt to protect yourself from the overwhelming emotions of others, you might actually have energy backed up in your body making you ill. If you are not expressing your creativity, and being with your empathy in a safe way, you might unintentionally be contributing to your illness.
step-circle-bullet-4 Open to miracles. Many of us have been taught to pray in ways that leave miracles to chance. But the potential for creating miracles already lives inside us. Miracles require something more than faith. In order for miracles to happen you need to become the space in which miracles occur, and that requires learning new paradigms for living.
step-circle-bullet-5 Tell the truth. Many of us attempt to use our intentions to heal, but don’t realize that we won’t heal if our subconscious mind thinks we are lying. We sabotage ourselves when, for example, we use an affirmation we don’t believe fully such as, “I feel completely well and healthy,” when we really feel terrible. Of course affirmations can work, but first you have to get to the truth that exists behind the symptoms of not feeling well. This is what most of us attempt to avoid and it is a reason that many of us remain ill. We become well when we develop the ability to be completely present to the truth—all of it.
step-circle-bullet-6 Love the wound. Out of a sense of self-protection, most of us avoid the emotional wound behind the physical pain we are experiencing. We are afraid we will have to relive something or that we won’t be able to take it if we discovered the root cause behind our illness. However, if we meet the emotional wound with compassion, the emotional root dissolves. You can meet the wound safely and you free yourself from its hold using some very simple approaches.
step-circle-bullet-7 Feel the freedom. This is the tricky one and it is the reason every other step comes first. In order to heal you have to feel the freedom of being well in your body. That can sound impossible when you are in pain. But by using the other steps you can create moments of wellness. As you recreate the feeling of wellness, the cells of your body understand what you want from them and they begin working hard for you—taking you right into the feeling of wellness you ultimately want.