Friday, February 7, 2025

Power Gems from a Friend (First of Possibly Many Posts)

This page is a very much shortened version, small sections of a page by, well, I will call him as he calls himself... mistershortcut.. This page found at  (click for full page)

'luck' is acronymic for
Laboring Under Correct Knowledge.

true and great power is YOUR choice, at any given moment

Focusing on producing an answer is power...until the moment that the light bulb goes on and you have a great idea for a solution, a resolution of goes on because you programmed your subconscious mind with your conscious mind.

...the power of the light bulb is a conscious, intentional use of the programming capabilities that were hard-wired into your system before you were even born, still in the development stage.

a powergem that touches every facet of your life:

What was a week's worth of research just ten and fifteen years ago is now do-able in mere minutes. This is your time, because the tools that YOU need most are, for the most part, already within your ambit and control. Fewer opinions, less speaking... and more doing.

 "prioritization review"

When we know where we are going, we have power. When we know how we are going to get there, we have more power, greater power.

It is when we do more than we say, where the volume of our actions exceeds the volume of our words - both meanings of "volume," that our powers grow into full-fledged means you are controlling at least a majority of your outcomes. This is power!

This document is a call to you. You're not paying cash for it, you're not being solicited to buy tapes and videos and time-coded CD's. You're being solicited for nothing more than one percent of your time; devoted exclusively to your happiness. It is so much easier than you might ever have realized. Just tap more into what you already have in order to have more to tap in to....

Ask more people, and ask those people more.
Ask for it, and you shall receive it.

Whether we like it or do not like it, ninety percent of us, no matter what education level we've got, tend to read only one or two chapters of a book, barely making use of the instantly transferable power found in its pages.

Remember: It's not what you know, it's what you DO with what you know that determines your success or failure in everything you do

Identify what you want, and in the next five days, produce 100 or more ideas for making it happen. You simply cannot comment upon it until you've given it a fair shot. In every single case, the person who produces 100 ideas within 100 hours always and consistently thinks better, faster, and smarter... leading inexorably to better results. Most of the ideas will probably be unworkable, or unaffordable, etc. However, every single time that you use this phenomenally powerful tool, there will be a few very good ideas, and one or two that are genius-like. It works every time, for every human being who puts it to use.

Those who write 5 or 10 ideas per day will DEFINITELY accomplish more this next month than you have in the past 6 months.

UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED SuperShortcut: the person who writes five or ten new ideas every day for achieving any imaginable human goal will produce more in the next 300 days than you have produced in your entire life. Guaranteed every time.

If you ignore 99% of all the wisdom and foolishness in the world and use this one fantastic trick, this immensely powerful shortcut every day for even twenty or thirty days, you will find magic happening in several areas of your life.

Prove that you understand by having just enough discipline to set aside a solid, uninterrupted five minutes per day just for you and your inner thoughts.

Well, this IS your life, and what you've done in this past 24 hour period, and the one before that, and the one before that, all add up to where you are now; add up to who and what you are now, and if you have any interest or desire to see your repute and your results go up tomorrow, you can bet the family farm that you need to make some adjustments today.

Five uninterrupted minutes (just imagine if you should extend it to ten full minutes, hm?) will absolutely begin creating an entirely new set of circumstances and results, no matter what it is you're most focused upon.

If you wish to become fantastically successful, you'd have to invest a full ONE percent of your time... .... fourteen point four minutes per day of the 1,440 minutes that you're issued every 24 hours. Fourteen minutes focused exclusively on one thing that you really love to do, and are willing to seek ways to get paid for doing.

...see for yourself. Better and faster results something like 99.4% of the time. How can you beat odds for success like that? My goodness -- we're handing it to you on a silver platter here. Thanks to the masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires who have paved and pioneered the way for a Masters Path of Winning to be crafted so accessibly to most of us, YOU get to beat the odds, YOU get to increase the odds and probabilities of success.

We already know at this precise minute that you are living by your written plan, or you're living by someone else's written plan. No exceptions, kiddo.

The one catch/obstacle to you making radical improvements in your life is nothing more, or less, than making a decision to actually do it!

... inarguably, the single number one power and PowerGem of all the days of your life. The decision to begin a new effort to get _____ or to be _____

There are dozens & hundreds of ways to do 99% of everything you'd ever want to do.  Finding the "how" is rarely ever a problem, my friend. The dream-breaking problem is finding a "why." Get through this first step, and you will come to understand IN THE NEXT 10 DAYS that you really ARE making big, big changes in your life. One thing we know for sure: when we have a strong enough "why," we always find a "how."

 WHEN IT WAS IMPORTANT ENOUGH, You managed 'impossible,' DIDN'T YOU??!!

What do YOU want? Why do you want it? For example, this page contains information. If you understand it, and see its power, big deal. If you see the power, and USE it... you win.  Printing this page is worth much more than you may realize.

What are the first 6 ideas for getting my wish to become reality?







Opening up relatively dormant areas of your mind is a key feature of practicing the Masters Path of Winning, and, as you well know, practice makes perfect.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Good Things Happening In The World In 2025 (and earlier years)


From CNN:

Story by The Associated Press
Thu January 30, 2025

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A mountain in New Zealand considered an ancestor by Indigenous people was recognized as a legal person on Thursday after a new law granted it all the rights and responsibilities of a human being.

Mount Taranaki — now known as Taranaki Maunga, its Māori name — is the latest natural feature to be granted personhood in New Zealand


Tiny village makes name for itself as world's first zero-waste island
You may not have heard of the little Greek island of Tilos, but big things are happening on it. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of its citizens and circular economy company Polygreen, the island has almost eliminated waste. After the resounding success on the island, they want to help other places do the same.



Local Hero Single-handedly Repopulates Endangered Butterfly Species
article & youtube

One person can make a world of difference. Tim Wong, a senior biologist at the California Academy of Sciences, single-handedly brought a struggling butterfly species back to his home city of San Francisco.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

10 things to Exit the Depression Cycle and Be Happy from Joe Rubino

This is an email sent out by Joe Rubino. I had no idea the numbers were so astounding.  If this post helps even just one person, beautiful : ). 

Joe Rubino is a personal Coach, so hiring a coach is included in his 10.  This post is to put the information out, not to advertise hiring a coach, be it Joe Rubino, or any personal coach.  The information was just so powerful, I share.

The Numbers Are Staggering.

In the United States alone, it estimated that 18.8 million people suffer from a depressive disorder in any given year. That translates into nearly 10% of the US population. Worldwide, that number is estimated at more than 120 million.

According to the American Medical Association, more than twice as many women (estimated at 25% of the population) experience depression as men (estimated at 12%), regardless of racial background or financial status. 

The US Commission on Mental Health concluded that 14% of the people living in the US will require treatment for emotional disturbances at some point in their lifetimes.

A study by the World Health Organization entitled the “Global Burden of Disease” showed that major depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide among people age 5 and older. It is the leading cause of disability in the USA for ages 15 to 44.

A survey by the Employee Assistance Professionals Association found that depression ranks as the third most prevalent challenge in the workplace, following only family crisis and stress.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the estimated cost to employers in loss of productivity and absenteeism from work is $51 billion per year, not counting the cost of treatment or prescription medications.

The Center for Mental Health Services estimates that 12% of school age children are maladjusted showing signs of clinical depression and as many as 6% suffer from psychoses.

The American Society on Aging reported that there are three suicides for every two homicides. Up to two-thirds of older adult suicides are attributed to misdiagnosed or untreated depression.

Suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15 to 24 year olds and the fourth leading cause of death in 10 to 14 year olds according to the American Association of Suicidology.

People with depression are four times more likely to develop a heart attack than those without a history of depression reports the National Institute of Mental Health.

Brown University Long Term Care study reports that about 6 million elderly suffer from depression but only 10% of them receive treatment.

Research shows that children of depressed mothers score lower on mathematical achievement tests. Children between the ages of two and four with depressed mothers are more likely to display delayed development. Chronic depression results from long-term addiction to sadness. Allow me to explain…

As human beings, we all are wired to react emotionally to stressful situations in one of three predominant ways…with anger, fear, or sadness. This reactive nature likely began early in childhood for those who find themselves chronically depressed…when someone said or did something to “make” them sad. In that incidence, the person bought into something negative or made something up about themselves, others, or the world in general that “made them sad” and diminished their self-esteem. From that point onward, they began the habit of accumulating evidence to  reinforce whatever they decided, attracting situations and people that strengthened and compounded their addiction to sadness.

Much like a heroin addict addicted to that drug, the chronically depressed person proceeds to scan for and find reason after reason to become depressed. She or he actually becomes adept at buying into the negativity of others or interpreting situations in such a way that reinforces whatever it was that caused them to feel sad during previous upsetting events. Depressed individuals even unwittingly tend to attract people and circumstances that allow them to “get their fix” of sadness.

Those who develop this addiction to sadness often abdicate responsibility for creating a different reality because of all of the frequently invisible, contrary benefits they receive by being sad. These include…

*  They get to feel sorry for themselves.
*  They get to evoke the sympathy of others.
*  They get to be victims.
*  They get to avoid responsibility for turning their situations around.
*  They get to be right about how unfair things are.
*  They get to make others wrong about something.
*  They get to control others with their depression or avoid being dominated by them.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Chronic depression is a very real condition…
so real that brain chemistry becomes altered and if left untreated, can cause the depressed person to spiral downward into a self-destructive, debilitating state.

The Antidote to Depression

If you find yourself succumbing to this addiction to sadness and worsening depression, here are 10 things you can do to turn your situation around:

1. Take responsibility for doing whatever it takes to honor your most important core values. Your values are the threads that form the fabric of who you are at your core. If love, creativity, freedom, belonging, adventure, respect, security or other key values are being dishonored, identify what is needed to live in a manner that honors them.


2. Manage your negative thoughts. Create empowering interpretations for all daily events. Know that every challenging situation holds for you a gift for your personal growth and development.  Embrace life as a continual learning process and look for the wisdom that will come from every problematic situation and difficult person.


3. Adopt an attitude of gratitude as you go about your day. It’s impossible to be grateful and feel self-pity simultaneously. Look for the good in every situation. Make every day your personal Thanksgiving day!


4. Take on an empathetic point of view during all upsetting situations. Remind yourself  that everyone operates in alignment with how they view the world and in an effort to protect themselves from hurt and harm. Ask yourself, “What must it be like in the other person’s world to have them say or do what they did?” Decide to find the behavior of other people as interesting rather than offensive.


5. Give up your right to take things personally. Don’t buy into the negative opinions or distorted perspectives of others when they don’t support your happiness. Counter anger with love and fear with understanding. 


6. Decide to forgive those who hurt you. Know that every experience – and especially the traumatic ones – contains insights and gifts that contribute to your level of  wisdom and empathy. Adopt the interpretation that you need the experiences to add to your spiritual growth so that you could use this acquired wisdom to contribute to the lives of others. By forgiving others, you complete with your past pain and open the door to being able to forgive yourself and move on to happier times. 


7. Hire a coach to support you to embrace the process of personal development. Realize that every experience has prepared you to gain in your ability to contribute your gifts to others. Have the courage to decide to live from a newly invented declaration that represents the person you have decided to be rather than what the negative evidence of the past dictates. Fall in love with the learning process as you become a student of your own behavior and that of others.


8. Create a powerful and inspiring vision for your future. Write out your vision for your life in 1, 3, 5 and 10 years, describing in details what you will have, do and be known for as well as who you will contribute to.
Describe in detail all 6 key areas of your life including your health and appearance, wealth and finances, job or business, relationships, personal and spiritual development, and how you will have fun, recreate and pursue your passions.  Take daily actions that support those goals that align with that compelling vision.  


9. Decide to have fun and live with passion. Hire a fun coach who can challenge you to add fun activities to your daily life. Explore new hobbies, interests, and develop new passions and friendships. Do at least 1 new fun activity every single day for yourself.


10. Take the focus off yourself and your own petty concerns. Find other people or worthwhile causes to contribute your time and energy. Decide to make everyone’s day a bit better than you found them.
Volunteer at a homeless shelter, nursing home, or hospital. Give to others freely and watch what you’ll receive in return.

When you make the daily conscious decision to be happy moment by moment and manage your addiction to sadness by shifting your thought process the moment you feel the least bit blue, your world will miraculously transform for the better.