Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Candida Detox Cleanse

A 7 day colon cleanse

Here's a 7 day plan that you can use for your detox. Of course this is just a rough outline, you don't need to follow it exactly. Start with a colonic on the first day, then on alternating days for the rest of the week. Learn more about colonics here.
8:00am .... Detox drink (see recipe)
10:00am .. Broth soup (see recipe)
12:00pm .. Colonic irrigation (alternate days), followed by a probiotic after treatment
1:00pm .... Detox drink
3:00pm .... Broth soup
5:00pm .... Detox drink
7:00pm .... Liver flush drink (see recipe)
Be sure to keep drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated and to flush away toxins. You can make things easier on yourself by preparing large amounts of broth soup once every three days.
This type of cleanse is generally very safe, but if you have any health problems or concerns, please consult your doctor before starting.

Recipe: Vegetable Broth

3-4 potatoes, peeled and diced
1 small onion, diced
3-4 stalks of fresh grown celery, thinly sliced
1-2 fresh grown carrots, thinly sliced
Cayenne pepper (optional)
1 large handful of greens such as kale or chard, chopped
Place ingredients in 3 quarts (about 3 liters)of pure or distilled water. Simmer for 20 minutes, strain the liquid, discard the veggies and drink. If you'd like to spice it up a little, throw in some cayenne pepper.
You should drink 2-3 bowls of this vegetable broth each day to replace depleted minerals. Use organic vegetables if possible!
You might be wondering, "If potatoes and carrots are on the Candida Foods To Avoid list, why are they in the vegetable broth?". Well, the key is that you are discarding the vegetables before you drink the broth. This mean you are getting vitamins and minerals of the veggies, but without the carbs that would feed your Candida!

Recipe: Detox drink

1 cup of water
1 Tsp Psyllium Husk powder
1 Tsp Bentonite Clay
Psyllium and Bentonite clay don't mix well with water, so shake up the mixture for a few seconds then quickly drink it before it settles. Drink another extra large glass of water immediately after.
Both these ingredients are great for detox. The Bentonite clay soaks up toxins, and the Psyllium pushes waste matter out through your colon.

Recipe: Liver Flush drink

1 cup water
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 clove of garlic
Small chunk of ginger
Just blend all the ingredients together and drink.

More about Colonic Irrigation

Ideally you should get a colonic every second day during this process. During a session of colonic therapy, which typically lasts around 45 minutes, the patient lies down and is first given a gentle but firm massage in the lower stomach area. This is to loosen the materials that the colonic will expunge.
A small, sterile and disposable plastic tube is then inserted into the rectum and warm water is passed into the colon. Clients typically report a warm feeling but often have little sensation of the colonic, although it can feel slightly uncomfortable the first time.
The water is allowed to gently flow into your colon, then you push it out along with the fecal matter that it has loosened. This cycle repeats several times. Other liquids, often coffee, are then typically added to the water to further help with the loosening.

Option 2: Colon Cleansing without Irrigation

If colonic irrigation doesn't sound like your thing, don't worry. You can still do a very effective colon cleanse without it. This method is not as intense, however it will still do a great job of eliminating the Candida.
Just take the 7 day colon cleanse (see above), and remove the colonic irrigation. You should still drink the detox drink, broth soup and liver flush, and remember to drink lots of water.

Option 3: A Detoxing Healthy Diet

If colonic treatments don't appeal to you, and you are struggling to stick to the fast, you can still do a detox. Think about what you eat - fast food is overloaded with additives, beef has added growth hormone, and fish are full of the various chemicals that are pumped into the oceans. Even if you don't follow the stricter cleanses in option 1 or 2, you can detox your diet by cutting out these unnecessary toxins.
Option 3 is a strict (but very healthy) diet, with the addition of detox drinks and a liver flush. Eating fresh organically grown vegetables is a great start and will stop any more toxins from entering your system. Always remember to drink lots of water too. Here are the details:
  • Eat only raw salads and steamed vegetables
  • Drink a detox drink (recipe) 3 times each day
  • Drink a liver flush (recipe) every evening, at least two hours after your last detox drink
  • Do the cleanse for 7-14 days
Avoid starchy vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams, corn, all squash except zucchini, beets, peas, parsnips and all beans except green beans. They all contain sugar and can lead to Candida overgrowth.
Raw salads and steamed vegetables might not sound that exciting, but you can use salt, pepper, lemon juice and various herbs and spices to liven them up. Check out the lists of 'Seasonings' and 'Herbs And Spices' on our Foods to Eat page.
The detox drinks must be taken on an empty stomach, so don't eat anything for an hour before and after you drink it. The easiest times are usually first thing in the morning, one in the afternoon, and two hours before bedtime.
Note: If you are experiencing an irregular heartbeat, nausea or any other worrying symptoms, you should stop the cleanse immediately and consult your health professional.

What Causes the Toxic Build-up in your Colon?

We put our colons under a great deal of stress with our modern lifestyle. Years of fast food, cigarettes, prescription drugs and alcohol keep the colon busy. Add Candida to that mixture, and you have a recipe for an unhealthy colon.
Water and the Candida Cleanse The colon is the waste pipe of the body. Once the nutrients are taken out and processed, the waste from your food intake is passed through the colon and expelled from your body.
What many people don't realize is that this fecal matter, including the Candida yeast, can get backed up and solidified in your colon. Without a regular cleansing program it can get trapped there for years or decades, slowly releasing toxins into your system.
The waste matter hardens, fixing itself to the wall of the colon. Sometimes an unhealthy colon will have attached to it up to 20 pounds of this matter that just won't go away! Ever wondered why you sometimes feel heavy and bloated?
This waste material can serve as a breeding ground for Candida, releasing toxins into your bloodstream. They can spread through your body, affecting every part of it. Hence the need to flush out your system with a good cleanse.

Foods to Eat in the Candida Diet

Category Foods to Eat Notes
Brussel sprouts
Collard greens
Garlic (raw)
Spaghetti squash
Summer squash
Swiss chard
  • Vegetables starve the Candida of the sugar and mold diet that feed it
  • They also absorb fungal poisons and carry them out of your body
  • Avoid starchy vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams, corn, all squash except zucchini, beets, peas, parsnips and all beans except green beans
  • You should buy your vegetables fresh and eat them raw, steam or grill them. Add a little garlic and onions for flavor as they are especially helpful with Candida
  • Live yogurt cultures (or probiotics) help your gut to repopulate itself with good bacteria
  • The live bacteria in the yogurt will crowd out the Candida yeast and restore balance to your system
  • Especially useful after a course of antibiotics, or when a patient is suffering from Candida
  • Yogurt from goat and sheep milk is even better, as they tend to contain fewer chemicals
  • Good bacteria will also produce antifungal enzymes that can help you fight Candida
  • Proteins almost completely free of sugars and mold, so they fill you up while restricting the Candida
  • Eat fresh and organic meat if possible - processed meat like lunch meat, bacon and spam, is loaded with dextrose nitrates, sulphates and sugars
  • Smoked or vacuum packed meats are also best avoided
  • Most Atkins recipes will also work reasonably well in a Candida diet
NUTS AND SEEDS Nuts and seeds that don't contain a high mold content
  • Nuts are a high protein food that starves Candida and restricts its growth
  • Avoid peanuts and pistachios as they tend to have a higher mold content
  • You can remove mold by soaking the nuts in water
  • Another tip to remove mold - spray the nuts with a diluted grapefruit seed extract solution
Wild and brown rice
  • Grains contain a high amount of fiber, excellent for keeping the colon clear so Candida doesn't get a chance to multiply.
  • Grains also act like a pipecleaner in your intestine, grabbing nasty toxins like pollutants, chemicals, pesticides and heavy metals on their way through.
Black Pepper
  • Contain antioxidants and anti-fungal properties
  • Increase circulation and reduce inflammation
  • Improve digestion and alleviate constipation
  • Most herbs and spices are beneficial in your fight against Candida
  • They're great for livening up food if you're on a limited Candida diet
OILS Virgin Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Sesame Oil
Pumpkin seed oil
Macadamia Oil
Almond Oil
Flax Oil
Coconut oil
Coconut butter
Organic butter
  • Use cold pressed oils
  • Heating or boiling destroys many of the oils' nutrients
SEASONING Black Pepper
Sea Salt
Lemon Juice

HERBAL TEAS Cinnamon Tea
Clove Tea
Chamomile Tea
Pau D'arco Tea
Peppermint Tea
Ginger Tea
Licorice Tea
Lemongrass Tea
  • All of these herbal teas have antifungal properties
  • If you're missing your morning coffee, try Green Tea instead

Natural Antifungals

Thursday, March 31, 2011


(click above link to see this picture in full size and entire article)

The Human Body and It's Frequencies

Frequencies of the Human Body in Hz

Georges Lakhovsky discovered that all living cells (plants, people, bacteria, parasites, etc) possess attributes which are normally are associated with electronic circuits, Dr. Royal R. Rife found that every disease has a specific frequency and found that certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease, Professor Harold Saxton Burr showed that these L-Fields could be used to predict illness by noting variations in them, Dr Reinhold Voll identified correlations between disease states and changes in the electrical resistance of the various acupuncture points, German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp found that a diseased cells will radiate a different photonic signature than healthy cells of the same type and Dr Robert O. Becker found the human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a person's health can be determined and influenced by it. 
...Every cell in the body vibrates at a certain frequency and groups of cells, which form together make bodily systems such as organs, have their own particular frequency, i.e. a healthy liver has a frequency of 55 to 60Hz.
OverviewEvery object on this planet, still or alive, has an electrical frequency that can be measured accurately. Electrical frequency is being measured by counting of the number of occurrences of a repeating current flow per second. This unit is called Hertz (Hz).
What Does Hertz Mean?
All atoms in the universe have vibrational motion. Each periodic motion has a “frequency”, (the number of oscillations per second), measured in Hertz:
  • 1 Hertz (Hz) = 1 oscillation per second (ops)
  • 1 Kilo Hertz (KHz) = 1,000 ops
  • 1 Mega Hertz (MHz) = 1,000,000 ops or 1 million
  • 1 Giga Hertz (GHz) = 1,000,000,000 ops or 1 billion
Living organisms have measurable frequencies on various levels from the entire body down to the cellular level. That fact has enabled scientist to conduct researches on humans and map their frequencies..... Biophoton emissions will vary according to the functional state of the organism....
The most incredible discovery was that ill cells reacted to very precise levels of frequencies and were cured or eliminated whilst nearby healthy cells remained intact.
It has also been discovered that the general human healthy frequency is within the range of 62 -72 Hz and when it drops to lower levels it enables the appearance of variety of diseases. For example at the level of 58 Hz, diseases like cold and flu were more likely to appear. On much lower levels (42 Hz) Cancer appeared in many humans.

Any movement of an object in any frequency can be changed by an external intervention of another frequency and the frequency of the human body and its cells is of no exception....
... unwanted virus, toxin or infection ...has its own unique frequency which can be isolated and ‘inverted' so it is 180° out of phase, then by delivering the inverted frequencies back to the body, it will neutralise/kill the virus, toxin or infection allowing the organ to recover and normalize therefore recovering in health. It was Dr Royal Rife who first discovered the importance of frequency. ...
Frequency & Health
The human body has a normal frequency range of 62 Hz to 68 Hz, as the frequency range lowers due to the constant use of alcohol or drugs, the worse the health condition becomes. When the frequency drops, the immune system is jeopardised. If it drops to 58 Hz, cold and flu symptoms start appearing, 55 Hz trigger diseases like Candida and at 52 Hz Epstein Bar virus, Cancer is at 42 Hz and below, whilst death begins at 20 Hz.
Measuring Frequency
Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology in Cheney, Washington , developed equipment to measure the biofrequency of humans and foods. He used this biofrequency monitor to determine the relationship between frequency and disease.
The human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a person's health can be determined by it:
Normal brain frequency (head) 72-78 Hz
Visionary Range 120 MHz
Bone 38-43 MHz
Brain frequency at 80-82 MHz indicates a genius
Healthy body (neck down) 62-68 Hz
Thyroid and Parathyroid glands 62-68 Hz
Thymus Gland 65-68 Hz
Heart 67-70 Hz
Human cells start to mutate when their frequency drops below62 Hz
Lungs 58-65 Hz
Liver 55-60 Hz
Pancreas 60-80 Hz
Disease begins, colds invade 59-60 Hz
Stomach 58-65 Hz
Ascending Colon 58-60 Hz
Descending Colon 58-63 Hz
If the frequency drops just 4 points this is when a headache will start58 Hz
Disease begins, Like the cold symptoms 58 Hz
Flu invades the body 57 Hz
Viral Infection 55 Hz
when more serious problems come about like pneumonia, Epstein Barr and etc. 52 Hz
Tissue breakdown from disease 48 Hz
Cancer can set in 42 Hz
Death begins at 20 Hz
Invading pathogenic frequencies (toxins & viruses) are low. Positive beneficial bacterial frequencies are higher.
  • Pollutants lower healthy “Frequency”
  • Processed or canned food has a frequency of zero
  • Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz
  • Dry herbs from 12-22 Hz
  • Fresh herbs from 20-27 Hz.
  • Frozen foods have a frequency of zero
Human Health
The use of electrical energy to reverse or eliminate disease led to research and discovery of electrical frequencies and how they can be used to regain, maintain and improve health.
There have been clinical studies conducted on the effectiveness of using the above techniques for asthma, allergies & skin disease.
Independent Clinical Trial:Success Rate
Clinical results for treatment of asthma93.7%
Clinical results for treatment of allergic diseases78% to 89%
Clinical results for treatment of allergic skin diseases89.9%

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Emotrance Self Healing

Silvia Hartmann of DragonRising has brought forth so many wonderful healing techniques!
Here is a small sampling of EmoTrance self-healing
This technique can be used on others as well.
the entire article and ways to use this with others
(1 - 44) can be found at this link:

45. You can do EmoTrance for yourself.
It is easy to learn.
EmoTrance is natural.
Children can learn to do EmoTrance.

46. Notice when you feel emotions in your body.
Where do you feel your fear, your anger, your sadness?
Show yourself with your hands.
Pay attention every day to the emotions in your body.

47. Use your healing hands of energy.
Put your healing hands of energy on your body where it hurts.
Ask, "Where does this need to go?"
Say, "Soften and flow!"
Pay attention to where the energy wants to go.
Let it flow all the way through and out of your body.
The more you do EmoTrance, the easier it becomes.

48. Let more energy come into your energy body.
Take a moment each day to draw the energy of the sun in, through and out.
Let the energy of many things flow into you.
Flowers, animals, stones, water, the earth, the sky, trees all have wonderful life energy.
People, music, works of art, angels are different forms of energy that feel good too.

49. Let energy burdens flow away.
Ask, "Is my energy body carrying any burdens? Where do I feel this in my body?"
Say, "These burdens are only an energy! Where do they need to go? Soften and Flow!"

50. Energy must always flow.
Sometimes people try to hold on to energy in their energy body.
This is very unhealthy.
Ask, "Am I holding on to old energy? Where do I feel this in my body?"
Say, "This is only an energy. Energy must flow. Where does it need to go? Soften and Flow!"
When the energy flows again, you will feel much better.

51. EmoTrance is very useful.
You can use it anywhere because no-one can see it.
You can use EmoTrance to flow away fear, anger and sadness as soon as it comes to you.
You can use it to heal the past.
You can use EmoTrance to have a better life today.
You can use EmoTrance to fill yourself with beautiful energy any time you want.
Even for a beginner, EmoTrance makes a big difference.
With practise, EmoTrance gets better, and better!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lesser Known Still Famous Spiritual Healers Who have Passed to the Other Side


Harry Edwards

There is probably no healing authority who treated a higher number of people than Harry Edwards. Initially a printer with political ambitions, he visited a spiritualist meeting and came across a medium who said he was an excellent instrument for spiritual healing. Subsequently, he made his first attempts as a spiritual healer, which were so successful and attracted such a host of visitors that he fully dedicated his life to healing. Thousands of healing stories are reported, and even in hopeless cases, healing or improvements were due to his help, although he did not even meet the majority of his patients personally. An incredible number of letters asking for remote help were sent to him from all over the world. In more than 40 years, as a spiritual healer, up to two thousand help-seekers per month visited him at his secluded sanctuary in Shere, South England. He also became famous by his public healing demonstrations, which, like the one at Royal Albert Hall in London, were attended by up to five thousand visitors. His declared task was to propagate and popularize the knowledge about spiritual healing. For instance, he also recommended the cooperation between classical medicine and spiritual healing, with the effect that there is successful cooperation of the two disciplines in England today. He set spiritual healing into a spiritualist context, talked about spirit doctors who are a prerequisite for making success possible and considered healing as a medial act.

Billy Parish

– a changed sceptic Parish, originally a supporter of the opinion that a spiritual healer or spiritual healing was an occupation for intellectually restricted women and men who are unable to think, changed into a successful spiritual healer who treated more than 500000 help-seeking patients either by contact or by absent healing. He too was told about his abilities as a healer by a medium, when his wife was suffering from cancer. After he had been able to help his wife, which was confirmed clearly by physicians, he dedicated his whole life to practice as a spiritual healer.

Frederick Joseph Jones

– a man of deep devotion Jones was the first English spiritual healer with a large clientele. He took up to healing after having visited a spiritual training group, where he heard a voice asking him to agree to being a healing medium. Subsequently, he started first attempts in a group of six patients in Wimbledon. When he had seen he was successful, he dedicated his full life to healing. One day, a physician sent him 12 patients asking for diagnosis, an ability granted to him by spiritual assistance, 10 of his diagnoses were correct. The physician was disconcerted and, when he examined the two faulty diagnoses, he found out that it was him who made the fault. During his best times as a spiritual healer, Jones treated up to 28 000 patients a year, most of them by contact. In 1933, he died at the age of 48 after eleven years of successful healing. Contemporaries say he died so young because he was so devoted and humble that he worked without consideration of his own constitution. Unlike Edwards and Parish, Jones was a spiritual healer and trance medium and spent several hours a day in trance during healing.

Francis Schlatter

– shrouded in mystery One evening in 1895, when Alderman E.L. Fox, one of the town fathers of Denver, Colorado, opened the local evening newspaper, he saw a headline saying "Miraculous healings by the remarkable French-American spiritual healer Francis Schlatter". He was thrilled and decided to visit spiritual healer Schlatter and to ask him for help for his starting deafness and a painful chronic renal disease. The next day he traveled to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and found the spiritual healer in a small house in the old town. He was so besieged by visitors that there seemed to be a lack of air for breathing. "From the very first moment when I saw the healer I felt that I would be healed and my hopes were confirmed. I stayed there for a week and saw how powerful a spiritual healer this man was", Fox said later. He invited Schlatter to come to Denver and sent him a ticket for the train. Schlatter arrived in Denver in the night of August 23. He started his healing sessions and treated between 700 and 2000 persons a day. His method mainly was to take the help-seeking people’s hands into his and to hold them for a short while. When he did that, the patients felt a slight electric shock and a tickle, followed by heat in one hand and cold in the other one. He gave healings for all sorts of illnesses. The news about his successes as a spiritual healer were spread all over the country, the newspapers published lots of articles and help-seekers came in crowds from everywhere in the US. Schlatter held non-stop healing sessions during six hours every day.
This went on till the evening of November 13. He went to bed that night as usual after having read in the bible for a little while. At six o’clock next morning, the time when he used to rise, his room was completely quiet. Fox opened the door of Schlatter’s room. His bed was empty and on his cushion he found a letter with the following text: “Mr Fox, my mission is finished and Father takes me away. Good bye, Francis Schlatter, Nov. 13.“ Schlatter was never seen again.

Bruno Gröning

- subject of high esteem, and pursuit. Bruno Gröning, a spiritual healer born in 1906 in Danzig, who emigrated to West Germany as an expellee from former East German territories after World War 2, worked as a carpenter, factory worker and docker, telegram messenger and low-voltage electrician before he came into the focus of public interest. The climax of his spiritual healer activity was in the fifties. In 1949, the name of Bruno Gröning became famous overnight. Press, radio and newsreel reported about his healings. Never before, a spiritual healer had attracted so much attention in the German-speaking area. He became target of pilgrimage for thousands of people seeking healing. In all classes of population, there were violent discussions and a lot of dispute about the case of Bruno Gröning. Emotional waves rose very high. Clerical people, physicians, journalists, the legal and political world as well as psychologists, everybody was talking about the spiritual healer Bruno Gröning: some considered his miraculous healings a gift of mercy from a superior power, others said he was a charlatan. But his healings were fact and confirmed by medical examinations.
A film was made, scientific commissions were charged with investigations and the authorities examined the case. As already mentioned, there is particular resistance against spiritual healing methods in Germany and so there were legal proceedings and prohibitions for healing. Bruno Gröning died in Paris in January 1959, where he lived in exile.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Top Ten Natural Ways to Remove Heavy Metals (NaturalNews)

Top Ten Natural Ways to Remove Heavy Metals
Thursday, August 20, 2009 by: Kirk Patrick, citizen journalist

Toxic heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and uranium are pervasive in much of the environment. While it may not be possible to completely avoid exposure there are many safe, organic and affordable products that help detoxify and eliminate these toxins from the body. This article will provide ten such examples.

1) Bentonite (Clay) - Aluminium Phyllosilicate (Montmorillonite)
Bentonite clay is a form of volcanic ash that has the ability to physically remove from the body up to 25 times its weight in impurities through a process called adsorbtion. Bentonite has laxative properties and contains high levels of iron, magnesium and silicon. Available in two forms (sodium and calcium) bentonite clay is used in cement, ceramics, acne medication, facial clay, cat litter and to clarify wine. Higher grades of clay are safe for ingestion while lower grades are for external use only and thus are of questionable benefit.

2) Bladderwrack (Sea vegetable) - Fucus vesiculosus (Fucaceae)
Bladderwrack is a type of brown seaweed found in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The stem is used medicinally while the thallas (air filled pods) help the algae float. Containing the active components iodine, fucoidan, alginic acid and phenols in varying amounts based on the water where it grew, bladderwrack is used to relieve heartburn and to stimulate both the immune system and thyroid. Bladderwrack has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

3) Blue Green Algae (Cyanobacteria) - Anabaena sphaerica (Cyanophata)
Blue green algae (along with green algae such as Chlorella) contain chlorophyll, an antioxidant and deep green pigment. Bacteria such as Fecal Coliform cannot coexist with chlorophyll, which helps keep fresh water clear. Algae not only contain nearly every required vitamin and mineral, but also have the effect of increasing oxygen while reducing nitrogen and carbon. Chlorella appears to bind to heavy metals to both detoxify and remove them. Studies in Japan following the nuclear disasters at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 showed that 8 grams of Chlorella daily caused a five-fold increase in the amounts of uranium, lead and cadmium that were eliminated.

4) Burdock (Root) - Arctium lappa (Compositae)
A potent blood purifier, burdock root removes heavy metals such as mercury along with other toxins. Containing up to 45% inulin along with arctiopicrin, arctiin, tannins and volatile oil, burdock is used to treat skin conditions such as acne. Burdock helps to purify the liver and is used as a natural cancer treatment. Burdock has antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-tumor properties.

5) Cilantro (Leaf and stem) - Coriandrum Sativum (Umbelliferae)
Cilantro contains the antioxidants camphor, carvone, elemol, geraniol and limonene. A natural deodorizer, cilantro relieves nausea, indigestion and bloating. Consuming cilantro (the seeds of which are the spice coriander) helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Cilantro kills Salmonella and removes heavy metals such as mercury from the body. Cilantro has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and can be easily grown in the home garden.

6) Garlic (Clove) - Allium Sativum (Liliaceae)
Garlic contains the antioxidant allicin, which is formed from alliin and allinase when the cloves are crushed. Garlic helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol while cleansing the liver. Offering unique health benefits when consumed in raw versus cooked or aged, Garlic has antiviral, antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

7) Glutathione (GSH)
Glutathione is a type of amino acid chain called a tripeptide. Glutathione modulates the order of cell life, a process called homeostasis. Glutathione is essential for handling environmental toxins as it detoxifies carcinogens (in particular arsenic) and helps the body to remove heavy metals such as cadmium, iron and mercury. This helps the metabolism and immune system by removing dead weight. GSH has antioxidant properties.

8) Onion (Bulb) - Allium Cepa (Liliaceae)
Onion contains the antioxidant quercetin. Onion relieves allergy symptoms and congestion along with helping reduce cholesterol. Onion can treat and prevent cataracts, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease and helps remove heavy metals from the body. Onion has antimicrobial properties.

9) Selenium (Mineral)
Selenium is an essential trace mineral that functions as an antioxidant and promotes a healthy immune system. Required in remarkably small amounts (the RDA is measured in the millionths of a gram), selenium is highly toxic in larger amounts. Selenium has strong anti-cancer effects and is known to help detoxify the body and remove heavy metals including mercury.

10) Zeolite (Mineral)
Zeolite is a natural combination of volcanic ash and sea water. With a honeycomb-like structure it forms (teeny) tiny cage-like structures that physically trap heavy metals without removing critical minerals. Animal studies show zeolite to actually improve overall nutrition. A patented process purifies zeolite (since it is a heavy metal magnet it is already 'full' when found naturally). Purified zeolite has been shown to help prevent and reverse the growth of cancer cells. While it seems promising, it appears that more independent studies on zeolite are needed as most of the research is published on "Tribute to Zeolite" style web sites that enshrine the product.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Spiritual Ayurveda

From: healingwaysresearch
According to Vedic philosophy life is Divine and the goal of life is to realize our inner Divine nature. Áyurvedically speaking the more a person realizes their Divine nature the healthier they are. 
Positive thinking or love is the best medicine. When patients are taught they have this Divinity within themselves, they feel a connection to life and God (however each patient defines God). For atheists, we speak of the greater mystical power, which is synonymous to God.
Ayurveda suggests true health is based on the healthy functioning of four areas of life; physical/mental health, career or life purpose, spiritual relationships, and spirituality. First one needs to be physically and mentally able to do work and play. Then persons need to work to support themselves ...doing something meaningful or purposeful. needs to use their innate or God-given talents;.. work at something they love to do. It is this love that cultures spirituality. 
...Working in meaningless, unfulfilling jobs can create mental and physical disorders.
The most extreme example of illness caused by lack of purpose is cancer. Áyurveda considers cancer an emotionally caused disease. When seriously ill people discuss what they would love to do (instead of what they are told to do) life returns to their eyes. As they begin to follow up on these ideas, some remarkable recoveries are seen.
The third realm of health is spiritual relationships...From the spiritual standpoint if one is dependent on anything other than God, co-dependency exists. People look for something lasting or permanent; only God is eternal and everlasting. Spiritual development directs one to focus inwardly to discover their eternal nature instead of the ever-changing outer realm of life. For relationships to be healthy all people must continue to develop their individual inner spiritual lives. Then they are able to share their growing spiritual fullness with their spouse and others.
...Once people are sound in body and mind, work in a purposeful career and have fulfilling spiritual relationships, life develops a state of grace. People then become eager to devote more time to spiritual development, the final dimension of health. Personal spiritual development is seen on many levels. The body becomes more relaxed, the mind more calm and alert; and one becomes more personable in relationships. Yet the most profound developments take place inwardly; Divinity grows within. Gradually one also begins to see the Divinity in others and all of life.

The Three Doshas

Váyu (Vata) may be understood as nerve force, electro-motor, physical activity or that, which is responsible for motion. It is commonly called air. The root, ‘va’ means to spread. In Western terms, it is the electricity setting the organism into motion, maintaining the equilibrium between Pitta and Kapha (inerts).

Váyu relates to the nerve-force.
It is responsible for all movement
in the mind and body.
The movement of Váyu even regulates the
balance of Pitta and Kapha.

Pitta relates to internal fire, bile, body heat, digestive enzymes, physio-chemical, biological, metabolic and endocrine systems. It is responsible for digesting the chyle into a protoplasmic substance like sperm and ovum.

Kapha fills the intercellular spaces of the body as connective tissue. Examples of these tissues include mucus, synovial fluid, and tendons. Kapha is responsible for the gross structure of the body (solid and liquid/phlegm-plasma). Each person is made up of a combination of these elements.

The three doshas (Váyu, Pitta, Kapha) exist throughout the entire body, in every cell, yet are predominant (their sites of origin) in the colon, small intestine, and stomach, respectively. Some authorities say that Váyu primarily resides below the navel, Pitta from the navel to the heart, and Kapha, above the heart.

Váyu is also found in (governing) the waist, thighs, ear, bones, and skin. Pitta also governs the navel, sweat, lymph, blood, eye, and skin. Kapha additionally controls the chest, throat, head, bone joints, small intestine, plasma, fat, nose, and tongue.
from: healingwaysresearch

Emotions & Intestines

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bruce Liption - the Environment of the Cell

I Will never forget a piece of wisdom I received in 1967.... My professor, mentor and consummate scientist, Irv Konigsberg was one of the first cell biologists to master the art of cloning stem cells. He told me that
when the cultured cells you are studying are ailing, you look first to the cell' s environment,
not to the cell itself for the cause.
.... I eventually realized that this advice was a key insight into understanding the nature of life.... When I provided a healthy environment for my cells they thrived; when the environ-
ment was less than optimal, the cells faltered . When I adjusted the environment, these "sick" cells revitalized.
Bruce Lipton “the Biology of Belief” pp49-50

Further, our beliefs shape the environment around us..We can make a better world for ourselves and all of those around us.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Specific Affirmations from Louise Hay for Healing


Spirit Meaning-Diseases & Affirmations

ABDOMINAL CRAMPS:  Fear. Stopping the process.
Affirmation: I trust the process of life. I am safe

ACHES: Longing for love. Longing to be held.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I am loving and lovable.

ACNE: Not Accepting or disliking self
Affirmation:The love and acceptance I have for myself is reflected in my outer appearance

ADDICTIONS: Running away from self, Not facing the fear. Not knowing how to love the self.
Affirmation: It is safe to look within for the answers I seek.

ADDISON’S DISEASE: Severe emotional malnutrition. Anger at the self.
Affirmation: I lovingly take care of my body, my mind, and my emotions

 ADENOIDS: Family friction, arguments. Child feeling unwelcome, in a way.
Affirmation: This child is wanted and welcomed and deeply loved.

AGING PROBLEMS: Social beliefs. Old thinking. Fear of being one’s self.
Rejection of the now.
Affirmation: I love and accept myself at every age. Each moment in life is perfect.

AIDS: Feeling defenseless and hopeless. A strong belief in not
being good enough. Denial of the true inner being, or sexual guilt
Affirmation: I love and appreciate all of myself for the unique, powerful and capable person I am.

ALCOHOLISM / ABUSE : Futility, guilt, inadequacy, self-rejection
Affirmation: I live in the now. Each moment is new. I choose to see my self-worth.I love and approve of myself.

ALLERGY & HAYFEVER: You are allergic to someone who or yourself denies your power
Affirmation:The world is safe and friendly. I am safe. I am at peace with life.

ALZHEIMERS: Refusal to deal with the world as it is.
Affirmation: There is always a new and better way for me to experience life. I forgive and release the past. I move into joy.

ANKLE PROBLEMS: Inflexibility and guilt Inability to receive pleasure.
Affirmation: I deserve to rejoice in life. I accept all the pleasure life has to offer.

ANOREXIA: Denying the self and life. Extreme fear of rejection.
Affirmation: It is safe for me. I am wonderful just as I am. I choose joy and self-acceptance.

ANXIETY / NERVOUSNESS: Distrust the natural flow of life.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself and I trust in the process of life. I am safe.

ARTERIOSCLEROSIS: Hardened narrow-mindedness.
Affirmation: I am completely open to life and to joy. I choose to see with love.

ARM PROBLEMS:(Represents the capacity and ability to hold the experience of life ) Can't hold on to lifes experiences.
Affirmation: I lovingly hold and embrace my experiences with love and joy

ARTHRITIS: Feeling unloved, criticism, resentment
Affirmation: I am love. I now choose to love and approve of myself. I see others with love.

BACK (upper): Lack of emotional support, or feeling unloved.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. Life supports and loves me.

BACK (middle): Guilt. Stuck in all that stuff back there or Get off my back.
Affirmation: I release the past. I am free to move forward with love in my heart.

BACK (lower): Financial woes and concerns.
Affirmation: I trust the process of life. All I need is taken care of. I am safe.

BALDNESS: Fear, tension. Trying to control everything and not trusting in the process of life.
Affirmation: I am safe. I love and approve of myself. I trust life.

BLACKHEADS (pimples): Small outbursts of anger.
Affirmation: I calm my thoughts and I am serene

(B-C) Spirit Meaning-Diseases & Affirmations

BLOOD PRESSURE: HIGH (hypertension): Longstanding emotional problems not solved. LOW: Lack of love as a child. Defeatism. "Whats the use? It won't work anyway."
Affirmation: HIGH: I joyously release the past. I am at peace. LOW: I now choose to ive in the ever-joyous NOW. My life is a joy.

BONE BREAKS: Rebelling against authority.
Affirmation: I am the only authority in my world for I am the only one who thinks in my mind.

BOWEL PROBLEMS: Fear of letting go
Affirmation: I freely and easily release the old and joyously welcome the new.

BREAST (left):Feeling unloved, refusal to nourish oneself. Putting everyone else first.
Affirmation: I am loved and nourished by all around me

BREAST (right): Over protection, over bearing, difficulty in giving love.
Affirmation:I embrace and trust life knowing that I am safe and loved. I choose to love and be loved.

BREATHING PROBLEMS: Fear or the refusal to take in life. Not feeling worthy to take up space.
Affirmation:It is my birthright to live fully and freely. I am worth loving. I now choose to live life fully

BRONCHITIS: Inflamed family environment.
Affirmation: I experience peace and harmony within myself and all around me. All is well.

BRUISES: Self-punishment.
Affirmation: I love and cherish myself. I am kind and gentle with myself. All is well.

BULIMIA: Hopeless terror. Purging self hatred.
Affirmation: I am loved, nourished and supported by life. It is safe for me to be alive.

BURNS: Anger, burning up inside.
Affirmation: I create only peace and harmony within myself and in my environment. I deserve to feel good.

CANCER: What's eating at you? Deep hurt, secret or grief.
Affirmation: I lovingly forgive and release all of the past. I choose to fill my life with joy. I love and approve of myself.

CARPAL TUNNEL: Anger and frustrations at life's seeming injustices.
Affirmation: I now choose to create a life that is abundant. I am at ease.

CHOLESTEROL (high): Clogging the channels of joy.

Chronic Disease A refusal to change. Fear of the future. Not feeling safe

CIRCULATION: Lack of joy or the lack of circulation of ideas.
Affirmation: Joyous new ideas are circulating freely within me

COLDS: Too much going on at once. Mental confusion and disorder.
Affirmation: I allow my mind to relax and be at peace. Clarity and harmony are within me and all around me.

COLD SORES: Festering angry words and fear of expressing them.
Affirmation: I only create peaceful experiences because I love myself. All is well.

COLIC: Mental irritation. Annoyance with surroundings
Affirmation: This child only responds to love and loving thoughts. All is peaceful.

COMA: Fear. Trying to escape from something or someone.
Affirmation: We surround you with safety and love. We create a space for you to heal. You are loved.

(C-F) Spirit Meaning-Diseases & Affirmations
CONSTIPATION: Refusing to release old ideas
Affirmation: As I release the past, the new and fresh and vital enter. I allow life to flow through me.
COUGHS: A desire to bark at the world. "Listen to me!"
Affirmation: I am noticed and appreciated in the most positive ways. I am loved.
CRAMPS: Tension.  Fear. Gripping. Holding on.
Affirmation:  I relax & allow my mind to be peaceful

DEPRESSION: Anger, hopelessness.
Affirmation: I now go beyond other peoples fears and limitations. I create my own life.

DIABETES: Longing for what might have been. No sweetness left in life.
Affirmation: This moment is filled with joy. I now choose to experience the sweetness of today.

DIARRHEA: Fear and rejecting. Running off or away from something/someone.
Affirmation: My intake, assimilation and elimination are in perfect order. I am at peace with life.

DIZZINESS Flighty, scattered thinking.
Affirmation: I am deeply centered and at peace with life. It is safe for me to be alive and joyous.

EAR PROBLEMS: Not wanting to hear. Anger or too much turmoil
Affirmation: I hear with Love

ELBOW PROBLEMS: Not being flexible, not able to change directions or accept new experiences.
Affirmation: I easily flow with with new experiences, new directions and new changes.

EPSTEIN-BARR VIRUS:Pushing Beyond one's limits. Fear of not being good enough.Draining all inner support. Stress Virus.
Affirmation:I relax and recognize my self-worth. I am good enough. LIfe is easy and joyful.

EYE (astigmatism): Fear of "seeing" the self
Affirmation: I am now willing to see my own beauty and magnificence.

EYES (cataracts): Inability to see ahead with joy
Affirmation: Life is eternal and filled with Joy

EYE PROBLEMS: (children) Not wanting to see what's going on in the family
Affirmation: Harmony and joy and beauty and safety now surround the child.

EYE (farsighted): Fear of the present
Affirmation: I am safe in the hear and now. I see that clearly

EYE (nearsighted): Fear of the future.
Affirmation: I accept life and am always safe

EYE STY: Looking at life through angry eyes. Angry at someone.
Affirmation: I choose to see everyone and everything with joy and love.

FAINTING: Fear, can't cope, blacking out what's really going on.
Affirmation: I am strong and powerful and I have the knowledge and ability to handle everything in my life

FEET PROBLEMS: Fear of the future or not wanting to move forward.
Affirmation: I understand clearly and I am willing to change with the times. I am safe.

(F-H) Spirit Meaning - Diseases & Affirmations
FEMALE PROBLEMS: Denial of the self and rejecting the feminine aspects within.
Affirmation: I rejoice in the feminine. I love being a women and I love my body

FEVERS & INFECTIONS: Anger, burning up.
Affirmation: I am the cool, calm expression of peace and love

FIBROIDS: Nursing a hurt from a partner, a blow to the feminine ego
Affirmation:I release the pattern in me that attracted this experience. I create only good in my life

FINGER (thumb): Worry, always thinking. Being 'under someone's thumb'.
Affirmation: My mind is at peace

FINGER (index): Fear of authority, or egotistical; abusing your authority.
Affirmation: I am secure

FLU: Responding to mass negativity. Putting too much faith in statistics.
Affirmation: I am beyond group beliefs or the calendar. I am free from all congestion and influence.

Foot problems: Fear of the future and not stepping forward in life Ankle/s: Inflexibility and guilt. In-ability to receive pleasure.

GAS PAIN (flatulence):Undigested ideas or concerns.
Affirmation: I relax and let life flow through me with ease.

GRAY HAIR: Stress, feeling under pressure and strain.
Affirmation: I am strong and capable. I am at peace and comfortable in every area of my life.

GUM PROBLEMS: Inability to back up decisions. Being wishy-washy about life.
Affirmation: I am a decisive person. I follow through and support myself with love

HAND PROBLEMS: Grasping on to tight, not wanting to let go. Not 'handling' things well.
Affirmation: I choose to handle all my experiences with love and with joy and with ease.

HEADACHES: Self-criticism. Not wanting to accept what is going on
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I see myself and what I do with eyes of love. I am safe.

HEART ATTACK: Squeezing all the joy out of life, in favor of money or position.
Affirmation: I bring joy back to the center of my heart. I express love to all.

HEARTBURN (reflux): Clutching onto fear. Not trusting in the process of life.
Affirmation: I breathe freely and fully. I am safe. I trust the process of life.

HEART PROBLEMS: Lack of joy, dealing with issues from anger, not love.
Affirmation: My heart beats to the rhythm of love

HEMORRHOIDS: Fear of deadlines. Afraid to let go and move on.
Affirmation: I release all that is unlike love. There is time and space for everything I want to do

HERNIA: Ruptured relationships, feeling the burdens.
Affirmation: My mind is cleansed and free. I leave the past and move into the new. All is well.

HIP PROBLEMS: Fear of going forward in major decisions.
Affirmation: I am in perfect balance. I move forward in life with ease and with joy at every age.

Holding fluids: What are you afraid of loosing?
Affirmation: to be added

HYPERACTIVITY: Feeling pressured and frantic
Affirmation: I am safe. All pressure dissolves. I AM good enough.

HYPERVENTILATION: Resisting change. Not being able to take it all in.
Affirmation: I am safe everywhere in the Universe. I love myself and trust the process of life.

IMPOTENCE: Sexual guilt or pressure, feeling spite against a previous mate
Affirmation: I now allow the full power of my sexuality to flow with ease and with joy

INDIGESTION:Dread or anxiety about a recent or coming event
Affirmation: I digest and assimilate all new experiences peacefully and joyously

INFECTION(See "Itis"):Irritation, anger or annoyance about a recent situation.
Affirmation: I choose to be peaceful and harmonious

INFLAMATION:Fear. Seeing Red. Inflamed Thinking.
Affirmation:My thinking is peaceful, calm & centered

"ITIS": Anger and frustration about situations you are looking at in your life.
Affirmation: I am willing to change all patterns of criticism. I love and approve of myself.

KIDNEY PROBLEMS: Criticism, disappointment, failure. Shame. Reacting like a little kid.
Affirmation: [Divine] Right is always taking place in my life. Only good comes from each experience. It is safe to grow up.

KIDNEY STONES: Lumps of undissolved anger.
Affirmation: I dissolve all past problems with ease.

KNEE PROBLEMS: Stubborn ego and pride. Inability to bend. Inflexibility. Won't give in
Affirmation: Forgiveness. Understanding. Compassion. I bend, flow with ease & all is well.

LARYNGITIS: Fear of speaking up.
Affirmation: I am flexible and flowing

LEFT SIDE OF BODY: The feminine side. Represents receptivity, taking in, women, mother, love.
Affirmation: My feminine energy is beautifully balanced.

LEG PROBLEMS: Fear of the future, not being able to carry things forward.
Affirmation: I move forward with confidence and joy, knowing that all is well in my future.

LIVER PROBLEMS: (hepatitis) Resistance to change. Fear, anger, hatred. Liver is the seat of anger and rage.
Affirmation: My mind is cleansed & free. I leave the past & move into the new. All is well.

LUNG PROBLEMS: Depression, grief or fear of life. Not feeling worthy.
Affirmation: I have the capacity to take in the fullness of life. I lovingly live life to the full

LUPUS:  A giving up. Better to die than stand up for one's self. Anger and punishment.
Affirmation:I speak up for myself freely and easily. I claim my own power. I love and approve of myself. I am free and safe.

Lymph Problems A warning that the mind needs to be re-centred on the essentials of life, love and joy.
Affirmation: to be added

MENOPAUSE: Fear of no longer being wanted.
Affirmation: I am balanced and peaceful in all changes of cycles and know that I am loved.

MENTAL ALERTNESS & SENILITY: Returning to the "safety" of childhood. Demanding care and attention.
Affirmation: I am safe and life is peaceful. The intelligence of the Universe operates at every level of life.

MIGRAINE HEADACHE: Sexual fears, or fear of being close, letting someone in too close. Feeling driven or pressured.
Affirmation: II relax into the flow of life and let life provide all that I need easily and comfortably. I love Life!

MENSTRUAL IMBALANCE/PMS: Rejection of one's femininity. Guilt or feeling "dirty".
Affirmation: my bodily processes are a natural part of life. I love and approve of myself.

NAUSEA: Fear, rejecting an idea or experience.
Affirmation: I am safe. I trust the process of life to bring only good to me.

(N-T) Spirit Meaning-Diseases & Affirmations
NECK PROBLEMS: Refusing to see another's side or position. Stubbornness. Who/what is being a pain in the neck?
Affirmation:I am peaceful with life

OVERWEIGHT PROBLEMS: Fear, feeling a deep need for emotional protection. Running away from feelings, insecurity.
Affirmation:I am at peace with my own feelings. I am safe where I am. I create my own security. I love and approve of myself.

PAIN: Self punishment, feeling emotional guilt.
Affirmation: I lovingly release the past. They are free and I am free. All is well in my heart now.

PROSTATE ENLARGEMENT: Mental fears weakening the masculinity. Sexual pressure and feelings of guilt or inadequacy.
Affirmation: I accept my own power. I embrace life and feel young in spirit. I love and approve of myself.
Right side of the body Giving out, letting go, masculine energy, men, the father.

SEIZURES: Running away from the self, family or from life.
Affirmation: I am at home in the Universe. I am safe and secure and understood.

SHOULDER PROBLEMS:: Carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Feeling like life is a burden.
Affirmation: I choose to allow all of my experiences to be joyous and loving.

SINUS PROBLEMS:: Irritation to someone, usually someone close to you.
Affirmation: I choose to declare peace and harmony with all the individuals around me. I surround my self with love and goodwill.

SKIN CONDITIONS: Anxiety, fear, feeling threatened.
Affirmation: I lovingly protect myself with thoughts of joy and peace.

SLIPPED DISK: Feeling unsupported in life.
Affirmation: Life supports all of my thoughts; therefore, I love and approve of myself and all is well.

SOLAR PLEXAS: Ignoring 'gut reactions', or your own intuitions.
Affirmation: I trust my inner voice. I am strong, wise and powerful.

SORE THROAT: Holding in angry words. Feeling unable to express the self.
Affirmation: I release all restrictions, and I am free to be me.

SNORING: Stubborn refusal to let go of old patterns.
Affirmation: I release all that is unlike love and joy in my mind. I move from the past into the new and fresh and vital.

SPASMS: I release all restrictions, and I am free to be me.
Affirmation: I release, I relax and let go. I am safe in life.

STOMACH & INTESTINAL PROBLEMS: Dread, fear of the new, or not feeling nourished.
Affirmation: I digest life with ease

STROKE: Insecurity, lack of self-expression. Not being allowed to cry.
Affirmation: Life is change, and I adapt easily to the new. I accept life - past, present and future.

TEETH PROBLEMS: Being indecisive, not being able to break down ideas for analysis and decisions.
Affirmation: I make my decisions based on the principles of truth, and I rest securely knowing that only right action is taking place in my life.

(T-Z) Spirit Meaning-Diseases & Affirmations
TESTICULAR PROBLEMS: Not accepting masculine principles, or the masculinity within.
Affirmation: Not accepting masculine principles, or the masculinity within.

THROAT:  Avenue of expression. Channel of creativity. 
THROAT PROBLEMS:The inability to speak up for ones self. Swallowed anger. Stifled creativity Refusal to change.
SOAR THROAT: Holding in angry words.  Feeling unable to express the self.
Affirmation: It is ok to make a noise. I express myself freely and joyously. I speak up for myself with ease. I express my creativity. I am willing to change

THYROID PROBLEMS: Humiliation. Feeling repressed or put down. Feeling as if you never get to do what you want.
Affirmation: I move beyond old limitations and allow myself to express freely and creatively.

TUMORS: Nursing old hurts and shocks. Building on remorse
Affirmation: I lovingly release the past and turn my attention to this new day.

ULCERS: Fear, a strong belief that you are not good enough. "What is eating away at you?"
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I am at peace. I am calm.

URINARY PROBLEMS: Feeling pissed off! Usually at the opposite sex or lover.
Affirmation: I release the pattern in my consciousness that created this condition. I am willing to change. I love and approve of myself.
UTERUS: Represents the home of creativity.
VAGINITIS:  Anger at a mate.  Sexual guilt, punishing the self.
Affirmation:  I stand in truth and live and move in joy.  I love Live, and circulate freely.

VARICOSE VEINS: Standing in a situation you hate. Feeling over worked and over burdened.
Affirmation:I stand in truth and live and move in joy. I love life, and circulate freely.
VERTIGO:Flighty, Scattered thinking.  A refusal to look.
Affirmation: I am deeply centered and peaceful in Life.  I am safe for me o be alive and joyous.
VITILIGO:  Not belonging.  Feeling completely outside of thing.  Not one of the groups.
Affirmation: I am deeply centered and peaceful in Life.  I am safe for me to be alive.

HIVES (rash or Urticaria): Small, hidden fears. Mountains out of molehills.
Affirmation: I bring peace to every corner of my life.

OSTEOPOROSIS: Feeling there is no support left in life.
Affirmation:I stand up for myself and Life supports me in unexpected, loving ways.
{More affirmtions  may be found on these pages souls-r-we and}